I feel a draft

Kept you waiting, huh?

That latest post just now, where I’m tearing into the “scientific” arguments for why you too must believe—and affirm—that “Transwomen Are Women!” (and maybe, possibly, also pretend that you don’t know what a woman even is) is actually a re-formatting of an old twitter thread of mine that I had saved on ThreadReaderApp.

The fact that it was an amalgamation of a bunch of tweets meant that I had to do quite a bit of grammatical fuckery in order to get my arguments to fit. It didn’t look as good as I wanted it to, but I just didn’t have the time to fix it.

…Then this stuff with the confirmation hearing happened, and I began seeing the same nonsense arguments on Twitter about why sex is some undefinable thing, making me think about that thread again. With actual time on my hands, I wondered where the hell I could post a reformatted version of my arguments, and that’s when I remember about this blog, bringing me back to you, dearest reader.


Half of the fight was just getting used to the changes here. But once I got it all sorted, and published the post, I went digging around and holy shit! I’ve got a bunch of unpublished posts in my drafts! 😂

In addition to all of this unfinished business, some of my views have obviously changed in the past several years (though probably not as much as you or I would expect). So, that should give me something to do if I get really bored and want to continue avoiding getting back to making art. (I’ve put that off for a long time and I can probably put it off for much longer without too much effort!)

In the meantime, leave me a line tellin’ me why you think I’m a blasphemous transmisogynist (whatever the hell that even means), and I’ll see y’all around!

Jack Returns (?)

Brevity and Civility