On Compliments


I was recently called on to help explain “negging“, and it reminded of the one time that I [purposely] negged a girl. I was going to share the whole story on Twitter, but stopped when I realized a crowed conversation with just 78 characters to spare per tweet wasn’t the right medium. So here we are.

Before I begin, some thoughts: “Negging”, like much of Game, requires a strong sense of social and situational awareness in order to be used effectively. It’s common for folk to read about these things, or to see them demonstrated once, and to then assume it’s this one thing, applied in exactly the same manner, by any man, in any situation, and with any woman. That’s an…autistic way of looking at it. A greater emphasis should be placed on the “artist” part of “pick up artist”. These aren’t things that can be deployed by any brute. A brush and paint does not make the artist. On with my tale…

During the Summer a couple of years back, my buddy “Duane”, which you first read about here (I know. I’m a horrible person), invited me out to the beach to “chill”. You know, just to catch up, have a few drinks, do some girl-watching? Yeah. Not so much.Hogan’s Beach“, while on the beach, it isn’t quite the beach. It was more dance club than beach. There was a $10 cover fee to get in, we were given age-identifying wrist bands, and the dress code was…well, see the image above: Bikinis and high heels for the women, and whatever for the men. And did I mention that you couldn’t actually go for a swim? It was basically a couple of volleyball courts surrounded by a stage, several food and alcohol kiosks, and tables.

Now, Duane is someone that’s known me for the better part of a decade, and has seen and heard about several of my deeds. They way he loves putting it, is that my skill with women is like Goku knowing that he could go Super Saiyan, but refusing to do so because it would make things too easy.” (Trust me, I try my best not to let it go to my head.) Well, on this day, he wanted a demonstration.


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Her: So, apparently [new boyfriend] heard me mumbling your name in my sleep last night. It’s a good thing I wasn’t moaning or anything, or he would’ve known it was a dirty dream.

Me:  Ok…so what was the dream about?

Her: Um, us having sex? Duh!

Me: Details, woman! What were we doing?

Her: Well, you had me bent over and you were pounding it from behind…

Me: (grinning)

Her: Oh, but your hair was cut short.

Me: See, that’s how I really know it was a dream…

Her: (laughingFuck youuuuuu!

Playing With Fire

My introduction to the term “Sperm Warfare” came by way of a book published in 1996, itself simply titled Sperm Wars. There’s dispute on whether sperm warfare is something that occurs with human sperm, but that’s not what I’m here to talk about. The most memorable parts of Sperm Wars are when the author, after describing deceitful reproductive strategies, would give color to them by adding short stories to demonstrate how these things can and do play out in the real world.

Today, while I continue speaking about a topic I started in a previous post, I’d like to tell you about the time a time that I came pretty close to consciously playing out one of Sperm Wars’ short stories.

On this night, while laying with Giovanna during our usual pre-fuck chat-and-stroke, she told me that her (then) boyfriend’s condom broke the night before, and that he came inside of her. For whatever reason, they didn’t get a morning after pill (Having bought many of the cursed things in my time, I think I know why: They cost 50 fucking bucks!), so she was worried she might end up pregnant, and really disliked the idea of having a baby with a guy that she was basically dating for financial reasons (she was not turned on by him in the slightest, and he was a minute man to boot). Knowing what I know about human reproduction, I was aware that her getting pregnant wasn’t such a sure thing, and thus saw an opportunity…

So I leaned over her, placed my palm around the side of her neck, looked her in her eyes, and in a too-serious tone asked, “You know what I should do to you?”


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Galina, III


Previously, on Jack’s TMI Blog, we left off with Galina pushing one of my “buttons”, thus very much requiring that furious, drunken sex be performed. The point of no return had been crossed.

After licking on and whispering in my ear, Galina nonchalantly stood back up, stretched her arms into the air with a yawn, and announced that she was ready to pass out. The way that her long, red hair hung concealed what she did while she was leaning down towards me, so her giggly, lightweight roommate was none the wiser. Galina dove into her bed, her roommate said her farewells, and I locked the bedroom door after showing her out.

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It’s my first time doing a 3-parter, so I thought I’d stick a short intermission between Act 2 and Act 3.

And…this is a lie.

The topic of bragging, which I mentioned briefly in my about, came up again, and I thought I would address it. While this is in response to my off-blog critics, it may also shed light on what my M.O. is with a lot of these “Story” posts, so that’s good too.

Anywho, the purpose behind sharing these events is not to speak about all of the women I’ve fucked, but to share experiences I’ve had which I think were crazy and/or humorous enough to be entertaining.

If my purpose was to brag, it would be pretty weird for me to build context with hundreds to thousands of words, and then turn the actual sex into some footnote. Like, I’m not gonna write about every woman I’ve been involved with, either. Not all of the circumstances surrounding hook ups/relationships have been worth repeating. If a drunk chick (as an example, this totally didn’t happen, I swear) doesn’t try to choke me out after I refuse to let her finger my asshole, then it’s not really a story worth telling, is it? A good example of this can be found in my post on “Caprice“:

“I can’t think of much else to say about our ‘relationship’ that was particularly interesting, including its consummation. Aside from her being the first chick I’d fucked that was open about her rape fantasies, I’d say it was all standard enough to not warrant mention.”

The post was about the consequences of the sex (with some foreword about how we got to it), a cautionary tale about discretion and sleeping with a friend’s partner. If all you saw was “Look at me! I had sex!”, then you should step away from your screen…

I’ll address the freshest complaint in specific, though. In “Galina, I“, I mentioned that our IQ’s were in the top 7%, and a few people had a problem with that. Look, I get it. Showing self awareness, or worse, mentioning your IQ is, like, a total faux pas…but I wanted to lay out just how closely Galina and I related to each other. To put it plainly, the statement is true, it’s contextual to the story, and I didn’t feel like self-censoring just to spare the feelz of a few (fellow, but lacking in emotional maturity) apes. As I laid out in my About, if reading this stuff bothers you so much then quit.

That’s all I have. Go take your smoke break and find your way back to your seat when Act 3 begins…

– Jack The Swashbuckler

Galina, II

Things between Galina and I were going great. I had a female friend that could relate to me, shared many of my interests, was intelligent, and whom I felt no pressure to fuck, even though she was upfront about finding me attractive.

So what happened?

A few months into this friendship, some time after I’d been giving a certain dating website a try and having success, I recommended it to Galina. It wasn’t long before she joined as well, having her inbox flooded with messages, and she’d update me on her experiences when we’d hang out. Since I’d learned a bit on Game by that point, I would give her my perspective on her suitors and their efforts.

There was one guy in particular (we’ll call him “Robert”) that, from his behavior, seemed like he knew a bit of Game. My mentioning this piqued her interest, so over the next few days she spent a bit of time picking my brain on the subject. This information would later be weaponized…

Anywho, Galina started seeing Robert, then eventually entered an exclusive relationship with him. Partly because he was a bit of a fitness freak, and partly because she deceived him in with photos of when she weighed a bit less, Robert had her ass in the gym on a regular basis. This was both good, and bad. Galina’s progress brought about changes which, well, escalated things between us.

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Galina, I

winoAh, Galina. Where do I begin?

“Galina” was a friend I met during my time in art school, and part of my incestuous circle of friends. Unlike the rest of the crew though, it wasn’t a geographical change that brought distance between us. Before a strange mix of personality quirks and events brought us apart, we were actually very close.

I believe the reasons we were so close were that we’d both experienced the horrors of armed conflict in our youths, both had IQ’s in the top seven percent, and both were a bit older (I was in my late 20’s, and she was in her mid 30’sthan the college students we found ourselves surrounded by daily. Also, at least on her end, Galina was unapologetic about the fact that she was sexually attracted to me…

Our interests in psychology, foreign films, and most of all, alcohol, were definitely big factors also. Galina was a self proclaimed wino, and though wine has never been my alcoholic beverage of choice, spending time with her definitely caused me to warm up to it. But I’m probably skipping over a few things…

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