Sex & Insincere Sensibility

(A disclaimer for the sensitive, before you start)

All of the hubbub about a certain Judge’s feigned inability to provide “a definition for woman” got me thinking about the 10,000th time that I had gotten into it with gender ideologues on the bird site.

I can’t remember how it started, but asserting that transgenderism is based on a failed theory invented by a sadistic pedophile got one of these ideologues to direct me to the video embedded below, which they claimed would disprove that sex is binary, and prove that transwomen really are “women.”

Spoiler Alert: The video does no such thing.

Below are my responses to the arguments and claims made in the video. It’s essentially every argument I’ve seen gender ideologues make to try to legitimize their false, destructive theories, all in one place…

3:40 –What if you don’t have any gametes? What if you’re infertile? Does that mean you’re neither male nor female?

No. It means you have some sort of defect. You are still either a male or a female. By that logic one could claim that someone born with no legs isn’t human, since humans are a species known for being bipedal…but that would just be retarded. That’s not how any of this works.

~5:00 – (nonsense trying to say the sexes of seahorses could be swapped because the males carry the fertilized eggs)

No. The male seahorse doesn’t produce eggs, he produces sperm, therefore he’s still the male. If I impregnated a chick but then I took the amniotic sac out and carried it around in a backpack ‘til the baby was born…would that make me a female??? 🤦‍♂️

5:10 – “We could say there’s 4 sexes of fruit fly because there’s 3 producers of different sized sperm.”

No. These fruit flies are still producing sperm, so they’re all males. (If you think the arguments in this video have been idiotic thus far, then hang tight, because the rest of the video is just like this. These sort of “arguments” is all that the gender ideologues have…)

~6:10 – “Hermaphroditism and sequential hermaphroditism exists therefore….”

No. Some animals all being hermaphrodites (normal for them, a rare condition in humans), which is a meaningless concept without the existence of binary sex to contrast it to, still doesn’t make gender ideology valid. Intersex ≠ transgenderism! 🙄 

And “sequential hermaphroditism” is an entirely different can of worms, completely unrelated to humans, much less this stupid idea of “gender.” These animals aren’t putting on a dress and saying “I’m a woman now!”, they are literally changing sex. Meaning, they are switching from producing sperm to producing eggs. Trying to draw a line from this to transgenderism is inane.

6:20 – Bilateral gynandromorphism is a disorder in some species (not in humans), and it has nothing to do with “gender” or transgenderism. Ova-testes in humans are also a disorder, usually found in those with the same karyotype disorders that you people also try to appropriate (extra X’s or Y’s). 

To drive the point home: These aren’t extra sexes, they have nothing to do with the nonsense that gender theory claims, and they are not the causes for the desire to be the opposite sex (that’s gender dysphoria and autogynephilia)…

6:30 to 10:39 – I preemptively addressed this whole section above.

Birth defects, which leave you infertile and often require the removal of cancer-prone, defective gonads, are not a new sex and have nothing to do with gender theory or transgenderism.

10:30 – (Wankery about hormones that doesn’t support anything about gender theory.)

Having a birth defect that causes your body to not react to testosterone, so that your male genitals don’t develop and you look like a prepubescent girl for the rest of your life, is not a new sex nor transgenderism. 

~13:00 – Around this part he goes on for a while basically circling aground the fact that we’re built from the same materials and if something goes wrong you won’t develop correctly.

…Duh! Yet none of this has anything to do with mental disorders making you want to be the opposite sex (or neither)!

13:35 – “Birds have completely different sex chromosomes than we do. Also some animals don’t have sex chromosomes at all. Also plants exist!”

Yes, very informative Mr. Biology Man. Will you ever get to the part where biology justifies any of the claims made by gender ideology? 

15:10 – He claims these things he’s gone over aren’t birth defects but “variations”.

Of course birth defects are variations, moron. However, if your “biological variation” is an abnormality that literally makes it so that you cannot pass on your genes via reproduction, it’s a dysfunction. I know, it sucks. Sorry!

“Sir, it seems your child was born with a fluid sac where their brain should’ve been and they’re going to die in a few hours. Don’t worry though! It’s a variation, NOT a defect!”

*phew*! Thank G—wait a minute!…

15:50 – “Unless you’ve had your entire body dissected and DNA sequenced we literally have no idea what you are!!!!!”

Actually, if you’ve gone through puberty the same as 99.9% of the population, and are fertile, I think you can safely call yourself male or female. Ain’t it a shame that we humans have the capacity to identify and name patterns, and we’re really good at it? That capacity is a major hurdle to the advancement of your extremist ideology.

16:00 – “Chromosome variations alone could make a convincingly male-passing female or female-passing man!”

Nah. Extra-Y and extra-X types, though very rare, have been seen enough for categorization, and they never look quite right. Extra-Y or extra-X people are always over or underdeveloped in some way that stands out, on top of being infertile. And not in a “That boy is funny looking”-kinda way, but in a “Is that a boy or a girl? Literally no one can determine, even their genitals are off”-kinda way.

More Bullshit!…

After this point of the video comes the big switcharoo where—if he’s succeeded at making you believe sex is just impossible to determine, that it’s just some indeterminable spectrum, and you should leave such an arduous feat to “expert” bullshitters like himself—he’ll tack on gender ideology claptrap that is completely disconnected from the first half in an effort to confuse you even further. LET’S GO!

~18:00 – This is just a deluge of moronic conflations.

“Hey, a female mechanic! That’s a gender! A male in a dress? A new gender!”

Worse, he uses animals with reproductive biology so far removed from us that it’s essentially alien, to try to justify something that would normally be accepted as simple mental illness…if we didn’t live in a postmodern Clown World where all claims must be given equal credibility.

20:02 – Apparently to do proper “Da Science” you have to #ListenAndBelieve to the “gender feelings” of the 0.3% of the population that is so functional, and have such a reliable grasps on reality, that they just off themselves half of the time, even when no one can tell they’re transgender and everything is going their way.

…No. I don’t think so, pal. That’s not how science works.

20:30 – (Bits about brain differences in normal people and the gender dysphoric)

Hormones in the womb are a hell of a drug…but when gender confusion in children clears at a rate of ~80% when puberty is simply allowed to happen, it doesn’t support your theories. 

In fact, there’s been research finding that on top of puberty blockers (obviously, no shit) irreversibly hindering bone development & stunting IQ, they also increase suicide. Aren’t the gender dysphoric suicidal enough already with y’all enthusiastically promoting and enabling their sickness instead of helping to find solutions? 

24:00 – “A variety of chromosomal defects combined with brain regions differently sized by hormones in the womb means there’s at least 16 different genders!!!”

Again, nonsense. This is equivalent to arguing that heights between the average male height and average female height are their own genders.

24:55 – “It’s SOOOO much easier to just say that gender exists on a spectrum!”

Yes. Lying is easy. The truth can be tough, often downright ugly. But this is why you gender ideologues will always fail. You will never convince everyone that your worldview is the truth when it’s so obvious that you HATE the truth. And this is why you’ve begun using force and coercion to silence those who point out that your Emperor is naked.

25:28 – “But to say ‘You’re XY, you’re a boy, and boys must act like this!’ is inaccurate & dangerous.”

Actually, we’re not the ones throwing dresses and makeup on little boys, telling them they were born in the wrong body, and injecting them with the opposite sex’s hormones, just because they’re sissies and don’t act like the typical boy. That’s YOU. You are the ones with the rigid worldview that asserts that two sexes with variations within them can’t exists, and can only be accounted for by a sick ideology that justifies self-delusion and self-mutilation.

26:00 – (Suicide and how it’s totally “cishet” society’s fault)

…Unless—hear me out here—it’s caused by a mix of untreated mental and developmental disorders found in the gender dysphoric? Yes? Maybe? Possibly? 🤔

You can’t blame the extremely high rate of suicide in the transgendered on “oppression” when even slaves or Jews in concentration camps did not suicide at such a high rate, and when trans suicides still happen after they’ve fully transitioned, in a place where—according to your demented ideology—their dysphoria should be cured.

It doesn’t work.

As for gay & gender dysphoric kids being kicked out from home…that sucks, but how much of that is caused by their own behavior? Has any research been done on that? Are only “LGBT youth” kicked out from home? How much of it is due to dysfunctional behaviors, like prostitution (which I guarantee is at the heart of the housing discrimination complaints by the transgendered)? What are the commonalities between them and non-“LGBT” kids that are kicked out from home?

26:25 – “Idiots say the high suicide rate proves it’s a mental disorder. No, it proves these kids are treated like perverts for just trying to exist!”

What if the way they’re “trying to exist” is fundamentally perverted? Do homosexuals and transgenders have high rates of HIV due to non-acceptance, or is it the 100 yearly sex partners? If your 14yo sissy son that likes wearing makeup and skirts is out doing drugs and regularly sucking off adult men (for money or otherwise…), which our society sees as being ✨Stunning & Brave✨, while seeing you as a hateful bigot if you disagree, who can you turn to for help? 🤔 

…I’d kick a little tramp out too, regardless of sex or orientation.



I’ve been down this road a thousand times before, it’s always the same arguments. Believing you were born in the wrong body and wishing you were the opposite sex, to the point of being suicidal, is obviously a mental disorder. Our brains and body aren’t separate things, everything is connected. Even bacteria in your intestines can affect your mood…so how could someone believe their brain is in the “wrong body?” The APA is sadly infested with ideologues, to the point that they say masculinity is made up and harmful, while gender dysphoria is to be treated by affirming the delusion, so good luck looking to them in this fight. Unflinching logic will have to suffice.

Don’t waste your time trying to debate points with these people. They fundamentally do not believe in objective truth or debate. They have a goal, power, and they’re willing to lie, cheat, & kill to get it. Take them at their word that they’re just doing all of this because they “care” at your own peril.

I’m done here…

Jack The Dissenter

Brevity and Civility