On Transgenderism

What is a woman?

I originally meant to add this as a “short” disclaimer to my post dismantling the supposed scientific arguments in support of “gender theory,” but I have turned it into its own post so that I can stretch my legs as much as I need in order to make sure my words are as clear and unambiguous as possible.

As someone that has spent his entire adulthood digging into the nature of men and women, learning as much as I can from as many sources as possible, all to better understand why we interact the ways that we do, how our differences are complementary, or cause us to clash, it would’ve been easy to predict what I would say when I was met with that question many years ago:

“Do you believe transwomen are women?”

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Sex & Insincere Sensibility

(A disclaimer for the sensitive, before you start)

All of the hubbub about a certain Judge’s feigned inability to provide “a definition for woman” got me thinking about the 10,000th time that I had gotten into it with gender ideologues on the bird site.

I can’t remember how it started, but asserting that transgenderism is based on a failed theory invented by a sadistic pedophile got one of these ideologues to direct me to the video embedded below, which they claimed would disprove that sex is binary, and prove that transwomen really are “women.”

Spoiler Alert: The video does no such thing.

Below are my responses to the arguments and claims made in the video. It’s essentially every argument I’ve seen gender ideologues make to try to legitimize their false, destructive theories, all in one place…

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Her: So, apparently [new boyfriend] heard me mumbling your name in my sleep last night. It’s a good thing I wasn’t moaning or anything, or he would’ve known it was a dirty dream.

Me:  Ok…so what was the dream about?

Her: Um, us having sex? Duh!

Me: Details, woman! What were we doing?

Her: Well, you had me bent over and you were pounding it from behind…

Me: (grinning)

Her: Oh, but your hair was cut short.

Me: See, that’s how I really know it was a dream…

Her: (laughingFuck youuuuuu!

Playing With Fire

My introduction to the term “Sperm Warfare” came by way of a book published in 1996, itself simply titled Sperm Wars. There’s dispute on whether sperm warfare is something that occurs with human sperm, but that’s not what I’m here to talk about. The most memorable parts of Sperm Wars are when the author, after describing deceitful reproductive strategies, would give color to them by adding short stories to demonstrate how these things can and do play out in the real world.

Today, while I continue speaking about a topic I started in a previous post, I’d like to tell you about the time a time that I came pretty close to consciously playing out one of Sperm Wars’ short stories.

On this night, while laying with Giovanna during our usual pre-fuck chat-and-stroke, she told me that her (then) boyfriend’s condom broke the night before, and that he came inside of her. For whatever reason, they didn’t get a morning after pill (Having bought many of the cursed things in my time, I think I know why: They cost 50 fucking bucks!), so she was worried she might end up pregnant, and really disliked the idea of having a baby with a guy that she was basically dating for financial reasons (she was not turned on by him in the slightest, and he was a minute man to boot). Knowing what I know about human reproduction, I was aware that her getting pregnant wasn’t such a sure thing, and thus saw an opportunity…

So I leaned over her, placed my palm around the side of her neck, looked her in her eyes, and in a too-serious tone asked, “You know what I should do to you?”


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Galina, III


Previously, on Jack’s TMI Blog, we left off with Galina pushing one of my “buttons”, thus very much requiring that furious, drunken sex be performed. The point of no return had been crossed.

After licking on and whispering in my ear, Galina nonchalantly stood back up, stretched her arms into the air with a yawn, and announced that she was ready to pass out. The way that her long, red hair hung concealed what she did while she was leaning down towards me, so her giggly, lightweight roommate was none the wiser. Galina dove into her bed, her roommate said her farewells, and I locked the bedroom door after showing her out.

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On Sluts

Some of these girls look a little young to play the part, don't they?...

Some of these girls look a little young to play the part, don’t they?…

Seeming that I’ve used the term at least once or twice, I thought I should get around to sharing my thoughts on it. This can be a very divisive subject, but I have a bit I’d like to say about it.

My definition for the word “slut” is simple: A woman* that (seemingly) sleeps around indiscriminately.

*(More on this in a bit…)

Not as easy to follow, it seems, is when I state that my use of the word “slut” is descriptive, not normative. In other words, I’m not making a moral judgement when I use the term. In the past, I’ve  had people jump down my neck when I’ve used the term, screeching that I’m a “slut shamer”“sex negative”, or whatever the hell else kids are saying these days, but that’s based on their notions of the term, not mine.

I mean, wouldn’t it be a bit out of character for a guy that benefits from women’s looseness to be out to make them more sexually inhibited?

Let’s address that asterisk, though. So, why do I—unless I’m joking—reserve the term “slut” for women? The short answer is that I accept reality. Here’s the longer version:

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Pies And Succubi


This post is not about food…

In a previous post, I went over how I use “talking” as an aid to arouse and/or bring women to orgasm. While I went into some of the intricacies, I left out specifics. Today, I want to talk about one of those specifics, and the trouble it’s gotten me into. When I first learned, first hand, about the way that this specific topic turns some women into wild, reckless beasts, I was kind of taken aback.

You could say I was still a bit of a Committed Man at heart back then, and this meant that I actually believed that women were what they said they were. (Turns out these claims were mostly soulless regurgitations of characteristics they borrowed from the cultural narrative on feminine propriety…)

So, imagine naive Jack’s surprise when, upon first giving the subject of insemination a try during some of his mid-sex “talking”, it turned a woman that had previously behaved as if she was perfectly happy with condom use, into an aggressive, cum-fiending succubus. This was, of course, Liz.

It’s one of my fond memories. Just minutes before things went all crazy, she’d been posing nude for me to draw her, but that didn’t last long. Some time into our fuck session, while licking and nibbling on her ear lobe, I whispered that I wanted to dump all of my cum deep inside of her wet little pussy really badly, and she let out a moan like I’d never heard before. It was like an “Oh yes!” and an “Oh no, what have you unleashed?!”, all mixed into one. Oh, what came next…

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